Open QBB, QBW & QBX File without QuickBooks
Want to open QuickBooks file without QuickBooks and you take a backup of your QuickBooks files and save in a QBW format, QBB format, QBM format, QBX format, or any other format and now did you want to know which is the best way to open QuickBooks file without QuickBooks and not know how to open it, then read this complete post, in this post we discussed how to opens files without Quickbooks. But before trying to open files we need to understand all types of QuickBooks file extensions, after understanding about all kinds of extensions move to step by step process to open QBW files, QBM files, QBB files, or QBX files extensions.
Due to any reason if you don’t want to read a complete article or a step-by-step solution, then quickly call on a +1-877-898-0542 number and talk with a certified ProAdvisor about your trouble, they will help you in accessing the company file without Quickbooks remotely or on call.
- QBW File Extension QBW is a type of format in which you store or save the quickbooks data file or company file with .qbwextension. This file store all documents related to quickbooks in your working Windows system. These files mainly store the financial data, templates, letters, logos, and images. These files contain financial statements, cash flow management, business planning, and all business-related important data. If all the crucial data is saved in .qbw file extension then it is very important to take a backup of the file.
- QBB: To create a backup file or store a backup file QBB file extension is used.
- QBX: QuickBooks desktop user uses .qbx file type to send a copy of a company file to the accountant
Table of Contents
Simple methods to open QuickBooks file without QuickBooks
If you are a QuickBooks desktop, QuickBooks Online QuickBooks self-employed, QuickBooks online accountant user and have questioned how can I open my company file without QuickBooks, then follow bellow discussed methods, with this method you can easily convert any kind of QuickBooks file to excel and access without Quickbooks.
Method 1: Open qbw file without QuickBooks?
To access the QBW data file we need to convert it into excel to convert follow step by step procedure or approach carefully, with a step by step approach or procedure any user can easily covert QBW file to excel and access it without QB.
Follow these steps to open the QBW file without QuickBooks:
- Firstly goto all programs
- Then click on the Intuit option given there.
- Now Choose the QB company file which you want to open without QB or want to export from QB.
- After that right-click on the company file and then open it.
- In the top-left corner there is an option of customer, vendors, or employee option, click on it.
- Then, press the option of Customer Center.
- Now Convert the file ‘.qbw’ into excel format.
- After that from the top of the screen, there is an option for Excel. Then, click on Export Excel.
- Check all the details shown in the prompt window then, click on the Export button.
- When a file is converted into excel and then open the file with the Microsoft Excel option.
- After that, press the option of Data option on the left side of the screen then press the option of other resources option.
- In the end, find the exported file in the prompt window screen. And, if you didn’t find the file then copy and paste the file to the desktop location, so that you can easily browse the file.
- After all this, you can open the file when it successfully converts.
Method 2: Open qbb file without quickbooks
To convert a QBB file to excel for analyzing company data or company information, follow the below discussed step-by-step procedure.
- firstly Click on the company file in the quickbooks Desktop.
- Then, open the file option.
- After that, find the company file which is having an extension ‘.qbb’ then open it.
- Now Switch to the single user mode in the File option field.
- after that click on the option of Export in the File option.
- And press the button of ‘Send the report to the New Excel spreadsheet’.
- In the final step press the Ok button.
Method 3: Open QBX file without quickbooks
If you want to open QBX in the form of a normal QBW file, then you need to convert the .qbx file to a .qbw file.
Try this method to open QBX file without QuickBooks:
Steps to convert .qbx file to .qbw file:
- Firstly open .qbx file which you want to convert
- Then visit the file menu
- Choose the option “send company file”
- Then choose “accountant copy”
- After that click on convert accountant copy to company file or .qbw file

- Then select the location in your drive where you want to store the converted file
- And finally, click on the ok button
Method 4: Open QBM file without quickbooks
Want to know how to convert QBM in excel to read and analyze company data, then you can try the below-discussed steps, with the below-discussed steps you can easily convert the QBM file to excel and read and analyze company data.
- First click on the start menu
- then click on all program
- Then after scrolling down click on intuit
- And then select quickbooks
- Then click on open and type the password if asked
- Then you need to agree for a customer, vendor, employees
- After that at the top click on the customer center
- After that go to the excel option
- Then click on export excel and then export
- Now you can open the exported file in excel
- Then search for a QBM file
I hope now you are able to open the QuickBooks file without Quickbooks if you think above mentioned any step is not correct and you are not able to execute any of the above-mentioned steps, then talk with a Quickbooks support team with a toll-free number +1-877-898-0542.